Ilex aquifolium Nellie Stevens

Nellie Stevens Holly

Ideal for spot screening and it tolerates most free draining soils. Female.

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This size is currently unavailable for sale; the next batch is currently being grown at Barcham and will be available for sale soon.

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Product details

This clone was derived from a seed source collected by Ms Stevens in 1900 from the US National Arboretum.

It is a hybrid between Ilex aquifolium and Ilex cornuta and is exceptional for its vigour and readiness to make a small single stemmed tree.

Smooth dark glossy leaves contrast well with the orange-red berries in autumn and we supply this clone as a feathered bush or as a clear stemmed standard at semi mature.

Ideal for spot screening and it tolerates most free draining soils. Female.

Mature heights and crown spread can vary depending on environmental conditions

Mature height: 3-7m

Mature spread: 3-6m

Tree Specifications

Common names
Nellie Stevens Holly
Mature size
Tree type
Soil type
Growth rate
Seasons of interest
Tree uses